Yay!! School is officially out; however, we still have lunch accounts needing end-of-the-year payments. Lunch statements will go out in mail again on Monday, May 13, 2019. You can stop by the Central office in the high school and pay, OR you can mail a check to 315 E. Chicago, Yale, OK 74085, OR you can pay through your myschoolbucks.com account. Payments should be made as soon as possible. If payment arrangements need to be made, please contact Sara Pitts at 918-387-2434 Option 3. Thank you for your cooperation.
almost 6 years ago, Sara Pitts
Yay!! School is officially out; however, we still have lunch accounts needing end-of-the-year payments. Lunch statements will go out in mail again on Monday, May 13, 2019. You can stop by the Central office in the high school and pay, OR you can mail a check to 315 E. Chicago, Yale, OK 74085, OR you can pay through your myschoolbucks.com account. Payments should be made as soon as possible. If payment arrangements need to be made, please contact Sara Pitts at 918-387-2434 Option 3. Thank you for your cooperation.
almost 6 years ago, Sara Pitts
It is crazy to think it is a week before these kiddos graduate from 5th grade. It seems like August was just a month or two ago! They all agree that the school year has flown by! Good luck, 5th grade friends! I know that you will love Junior High! -Mrs. Endicott
almost 6 years ago, Yale School District
5th Grade
We are not releasing the students early, but you may pick them up if you would like.
almost 6 years ago, Dale Bledsoe
We have been given the all clear sign.
almost 6 years ago, Dale Bledsoe
Parents when we release the students form shelter in place. Please feel free to pick up your child at the elementary it has been a long day already. The kids are handling this extremely well.
almost 6 years ago, Dale Bledsoe
Yale still has shelter in place. I was just informed another storm is behind this one. We will have shelter in place for a 15 more minutes. Thank you for your patient.
almost 6 years ago, Dale Bledsoe
Yale students are in the shelter areas until 12:35.
almost 6 years ago, Dale Bledsoe
Yale School will not be answering phones because we are in the storm shelter.
almost 6 years ago, Yale School District
The tornado warning has been issued in Yale. Students are in shelter until we get the al clear warning.
almost 6 years ago, Yale School District
Counting today, April 29, 2019 we have 9 days of school left. Please check your mail and your student’s backpack for statements. The last day to charge lunch is May 1st. Lunch charges should be paid in full by the last day of school May 10th. If payment arrangements need to be made, please contact Sara Pitts at 918-387-2434 Option 3. Thank you for your cooperation.
almost 6 years ago, Sara Pitts
The new link for our gradebook is https://ok.wengage.com/Yale - we are currently working no getting our links fixed.
almost 6 years ago, Audrey Jordan
HS sports banquet is tonight at 6:30 in the cafeteria
almost 6 years ago, Audrey Jordan
Excited for our students who will be taking Drivers Education this summer.
almost 6 years ago, Yale School District
Yale’s Drivers Ed car
Congratulations to junior, Cole Kilpatrick who won 1st place at CareerTech's state truck driving competition. #excellencehappenshere
almost 6 years ago, Yale School District
Congratulations High School & Elementary Track High School Ashely McKinney, Bailey Beaver & Avery Riley placed 6th in the 400 relay Kayleigh Montgomery placed 6th in the Shot Andrew Crowe placed 5th in the 100 meter & 400 meter dash and 6th in the 200 meter dash Elementary Jayle Sanders, Jaidyn Teal, Cameryn Crowe & Rylee Reece placed 5th in the 400 relay and 6th in the 800 relay Brice Bledsoe placed 5th in the 800 meter and 6th in the mile Teagan Minney placed 6th in the long jump
almost 6 years ago, Tammy Huff
Baseball districts tomorrow, Wed. 4-16-19 at Ripley Game 1 11:00 Yale vs Glencoe Game 2 1:00 Ripley vs loser of Game 1 Game 3 3:00 Ripley vs winner of Game 1 Thusday 4-17-19 Game @ Ripley 1:00
almost 6 years ago, Tammy Huff
View our 2017-18 school report card here: https://www.oklaschools.com/district/523/
almost 6 years ago, Audrey Jordan
Yale Elementary announced the 5th grade Valedictorian and Salutatorians this morning. Our Vals: Brice Bledsoe, Aubrey Moore, and Gracelyn Johnson. Our Sals: Cameryn Crowe and Clint Patterson. Congratulations 5th graders on your achievements!
almost 6 years ago, Yale School District
OBI Blood Drive at Yale High School starting at 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. The Oklahoma Blood Institute has challenged us to get 28 donations. For those who donate in the community, you will be able to donate at your next blood drive in the summer. All donors will receive a free t-shirt and be entered into winning a flat safe tornado shelter. Walk-Ins are welcome.
almost 6 years ago, Tammy Huff